domingo, 10 de junio de 2018

Jurassic Concepts 2018


After watching Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,
I had to do some posters for the upcoming sequel Jurassic World 3..or III, announced for 2021:




(26 versions)...I know, very nerdy....but I love the franchise since I was a  child XD


Here are other posters/fakes
that I've designed (since 2008):

#JurassicWorld3 #JurassicWorldIII #2021 #colintrevorrow #chrispratt #brycedallashoward #jeff goldblum #samneill #JurassicWorld #owengrady #clairedearing #ianmalcolm #alangrant #elliesattler #LauraDern #BDWong #DrHenryWu #OmarSy #Barry #ArianaRichards #LexMurphy #JosephMazzello #TimMurphy #VinceVaughn #NickVanOwen #VanessaLeeChester #KellyCurtisMalcolm #JulianeMoore #DraSarahHarding #AlessandroNivola #BillyBrennan #Universal #UniversalPictures #JurassicPark #JurassicWorld #TheLostWorld #Dinosaurs #Dinosaurios #ComingSoon #Concept #Photoshop #FakePoster #Design #PhotoshopTherapy #ViandaGrafica #2018  "Jurassic World 3" "Jurassic World III" "2021" "Colin Trevorrow" "Chris Pratt" "Bryce Dallas Howard" "Jeff Goldblum "Sam Neill" "Jurassic World" "Owen Grady" "Claire Dearing" "Ian Malcolm" "Alan Grant" "Ellie Sattler" "Laura Dern" "BD Wong" "Dr Henry Wu" "Omar Sy" "Barry" "Ariana Richards" "Lex Murphy" "Joseph Mazzello" "Tim Murphy" "Vince Vaughn" "Nick Van Owen" "Vanessa Lee Chester" "Kelly Curtis Malcolm" "Juliane Moore" "Dra Sarah Harding" "Alessandro Nivola" "Billy Brennan" "Universal" "Universal Pictures" "Jurassic Park" "Jurassic World" "The Lost World" "Dinosaurs" "Dinosaurios" "Dinosaures" "Coming Soon" "Concept" "Photoshop" "Fake Poster" "Design" "Photoshop Therapy" "Vianda Grafica" "2018"